Roughly four years ago when I was in Zimbabwe with my dad, visiting family, a thought occurred to me while I was studying the Bible. Except it became more than just a thought. I heard God’s voice that day, and he asked me, Why don’t you ever write about me? I knew instantly the thought was not my own or one of the other voices in my head.
Of course I gave excuses. I’m not qualified. I barely ever read my Bible. I’m not holy enough. The list goes on. God really didn’t want to hear it. So I became resolved to obey and started writing a book for the non-believer considering becoming a Christian. I soon abandoned it, however.
A year or two later I started university again on a new course and God called for me again, this time to write a blog. After 5 irregular posts, I gave up and refused to pay for the domain name and my site came offline.
Fast forward December 2020. I was feeling incomplete, hungry for something more when after a long prayer session it occurred to me: I wasn’t obeying God. That’s why I felt incomplete. I’d tried before, but this time the message about who I needed to write to became clearer. God was calling me to write for those suffering from illnesses, so that they could grow stronger in their faith.
And thus We Are Free Indeed 2.0 was born. (My old blog had the same title, just a different domain name.)
And if you faithfully obey the voice of the LORD your God, being careful to do all his commandments that I command you today, the LORD your God will set you high above all the nations of the earth.
The primary purpose of this blog is to help those with mental and physical illnesses stay strong in their walk with Christ. I hope to achieve this by:
- Comforting those in pain and offering wisdom
- Strengthening the faith of Christians
- Educating and informing those who wish to know more about the LORD and His ways
I hope that as you explore this site, you aim to recieve the wisdom and knowledge God has provided me with an open heart.
So if the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.
God bless you.